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Ease your way out of cloud complexity

Enabling cloud optimization with minimal engineering efforts
zTA - zOpt Trusted Advisor

zOpt Trusted Advisor evaluates your cloud infrastructure for demand seasonality, resiliency, application performance, security, and cost optimization opportunities. Utilizing over 1,000 automated checkpoints, zTA identifies issues and optimization opportunities tailored to your usage patterns and demand peaks. This helps you manage your cloud infrastructure more effectively, aligning with AWS best practices and customized for your architecture and usage.

The output from zTA integrates with zScore and zOptimize, ensuring continuous improvement of your cloud ROI with minimal engineering effort.


zScore, similar to a FICO score, is a single metric out of 850 that combines performance, resiliency, security, cost, and cloud debt for your cloud infrastructure. zTA checks contribute to the computation of zScore.

You receive continuously updated zScores, along with your peer group's zScore for tracking. Implementing identified optimization opportunities improves your overall zScore, enhancing your cloud optimization index.


zScore offers a definitive way to achieve and surpass your aspirational score with minimal engineering effort.


How is zScore calculated?

Each of the five categories (performance, resiliency, security, cloud debt, and cloud cost) is assigned a weightage between 12% and 27% in the overall score. Passing zTA checks result in positive increments, while identified optimization opportunities lead to negative scores, or improvement opportunities.

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We firmly believe that cloud best practices do not work for every situation. Every cloud deployment is unique, and when combined with demand seasonality and compliance requirements, each customer needs curated optimization recommendations tailored to their specific cloud deployment and workload.


zTA produces dozens of potential optimization opportunities. zOpt's AI engine analyzes your cloud architecture, industry compliance requirements, and demand seasonality patterns to fine-tune optimization recommendations for each workload.


zOptimize provides continuous optimization recommendations and automated implementation opportunities that seamlessly fit into your company processes and security guidelines.  

zInsights: Actionable Spend Insights

Get hundreds of cloud spend and usage insights out-of-the-box. These insights are carefully crafted to answer your business KPIs, including:

  • Spend trends per cost center and workload

  • Deeper insights on compute, storage, and data transfer costs within each managed service

  • Traffic seasonality and top spenders per day and hour

Accurate, granular spend insights give you better control and the ability to inspect cloud spend in relation to your business growth.


For example, while AWS Cost Explorer provides spend data for S3 at the account level, zInsights goes deeper to help you understand:

  • Spend per S3 bucket and top spenders

  • Usage of storage tiers and associated costs

  • Usage of APIs, data transfer, and associated costs

You get all these insights out-of-the-box with no engineering effort needed to create, save, maintain, and load AWS Cost Explorer views one by one.

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Human-vetted automation

Implementing changes in your cloud infrastructure requires skilled engineers, planning, and coordination across different teams. Team bandwidth constraints can delay optimizations.

Security-conscious cloud owners often do not trust automation, preferring human control and oversight for every change made in their cloud infrastructure.

Get the best of both worlds with our human-vetted automated execution, combining the speed and accuracy of automation with human knowledge and oversight:


  • Automated implementation with a few clicks

  • Complete control over automation execution

  • Schedule, review, and approve each automation

  • Select specific resources, accounts, and regions for execution

Retire cloud debt

Cloud Debt is similar to Tech Debt, where older generation infrastructure, services, and software can lead to inefficiencies and suboptimal price performance.


Identifying cloud debt and replacing it with better-performing cloud infrastructure that fits specific customer architecture and usage patterns is challenging. Our value lies in implementing these identified changes and upgrades with minimal effort.


  • Automated identification of cloud debt

  • Curated recommendations for retiring cloud debt

  • Automated implementation with a few clicks

  • Better price performance guarantee

Easy setup in Simple 1-2-3  steps
Easy setup

Set it up once, and you're ready in under 5 minutes. With a single click, deploy for your payer account and all linked accounts.

  • Set up cost and usage report replication policy

  • Create read-only IAM roles for utilization API access

  • Create IAM role for scheduling automation

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